Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis

Effective Investigation and Root Cause Analysis Allows Organizations to Learn and Prevent Similar Events

Experienced investigators using advanced techniques ensure thorough understanding of incidents and evidence based root cause analysis

Our investigators have over 15 years of experience investigating incidents and providing advanced investigation training such as TapRooT© Root Cause Analysis.  We have extensive experience investigating numerous events involving major injuries & fatalities, harassment & violence, equipment failure, process safety, fire & explosion, environmental releases, spills, financial loss, etc.  We are prepared to engage additional subject matter experts; e.g. failure analysis, forensic engineer, etc.; to ensure that the investigation is exceptionally thorough, detailed, and factual.

We can support you by integrating into investigation team as as subject matter experts or as a Lead Investigator

We support all aspects of an investigation including: initiating and managing:  the initial incident response at the work site, interviewiewing, engaging subject matter experts, document and data collection, and ensuring that information to understand how the event occured is obtained so that realible and accurate root causes can be determined.

We have extensive experience interfacing with internal and external legal representation as well as in engaging and coordinating with regulatory agencies.


Skillfull organization and stakeholder review of incident information ensures evidence based root cause analysis and organizational buy in of results

Organizing the incident information so that it is unbiased and can easily be reviewed and understood by those impacted by the event is a critical and often overlooked step in an investigation.  Organizing the events and conditions that contributed to the event and then reviewing this information with stakeholders allows them to: clarify info that may not be accurate, give feedback, and always results in them providing a ton more relevant and important information.

This process has proven to be critical because it results in all stakeholders essentially approving and agreeing on the facts of the incident.  This then, when using evidence based root cause methodology such as TapRooT© Root Cause Analysis, then results in reliable and consistent determination of root causes that are based solely on the incident information, rather than the investigators opinion, where it is not possible to disagree with the root causes unless that person can show how the facts that they reviewed (and approved) where not correct.

Investigation report & presentations allow organizational learning and communication of investigation results, root causes, and recommendations

Providing professional quality investigation reports and presentations allowes the incident to be documented and communicated, as appropriate, throughout the organization.  While client requirements vary reports and presentations masy be prepared for executive and legal review, for distribution throughout an organization, and also for regulatory compliance.