The Certificate of Recognition (COR) program is a tool for employers to evaluate and improve their health & safety program and is awarded if an employer's health and safety program meets standards established by Occupational Health and Safety. Achieving and maintaining COR can have significant benefits for an organization. It can:
- Reduced injuries in the workplace
- Financial incentives through WCB
- More opportunities to bid on projects
- Increased financial bottom line as proven in studies

To achieve your Certificate of Recognition (COR), you must complete the following:
- Register your company in the WCB Partnerships in Injury Reduction Program
- Develop and implement a health and safety management system (HSMS) that meets COR/SECOR requirements
- Select a Certifying Partner that best fits your industry and comply with its requirements including training programs
- Have an a COR audit conducted by a certified auditor and achieve a passing result (80% overall and no less than 50% in any element).
Whether you need support preparing for a COR Audit or need to book an Audit, get in touch with us. We have certified auditors and experienced health and safety consultants who can help you achieve COR.
Our certified COR auditors have a professional and practical approach to auditing. We work with clients whenever possible to support the audit process. Our clients appreciate the positive approach. There are 13 certifying partners authorized to issue you a COR, however, most of our clients select one of the following:
- USP: Unility Safety Partners
- Energy Safety Canada (formerly Enform)
- ABM: Advance Business Match
- Taproot Root Cause Analysis
A COR obtained after a certification audit is valid for three years. To maintain COR the employer must complete maintenance audits in each of the two years between the certification audits. Ceritification audits must be completed by an external auditor. Maintenance audits can be completed by an internal or external auditor. Let us know if you need support.

The following training is required in order to successfully complete a COR Audit. The links will allow you to complete approved training courses through Clearline Safety although it is acceptable if you take similar training from other providers. Workplace Inspections - Required for: 'persons who lead inspections'
- Incident Investigation - Required for: 'persons who complete incident investigations'
- Formal Hazard Assessment - Required for: 'persons who lead or sign off on formal hazard assessments'
- Joint Health & Safety Committees and Workers Safety Representatives - Required for: 'JHSC chairs'.
- Supervisor Due Diligence & Responsibilities - Required for: 'all supervisors'
We have certified auditors and experienced health and safety consultants who can help you achieve your COR. If you would like a quote please select the AUDIT QUOTE button, provide the requested information, and we will respond with a quote with 2 business days.