A powerful way to administer evaluations then track, manage, and report on results.
Assessments on Demand
We offer an online evaluation tool that is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to administer evaluations to both individuals and groups. It offers an easy, convenient, and secure way to deliver a variety of evaluations including pre-training and post-training knowledge tests, pre-hire assessments, and comprehensive technical exams.
Built into the evaluation tool are options that allow you to create question pools, randomize the order of questions, randomize the order of answers, and more to allow you to deliver a customized evaluation to each user.
Want to score some questions but not others? Not a problem. We have a variety of question formats that can be used for a range of situations so even if you just want to administer a survey, the online evaluation tool can help.
Since all evaluations are completed online, they are instantly marked, tracked, and stored for review by users who have administrative access. This saves valuable time and money compared to manual administration of evaluations and makes retrieval and review of results quick, easy, and convenient through use of a cloud-based storage system. Managing evaluations for multiple people in multiple locations is now easy.

Advanced Functionality
Randomized Questions
Deliver customized evaluations quickly and easily with our built-in randomized question feature.
Virtual Proctor
Enrsure that the right person is taking and paying attention to the training and that it is he or she is that completes the evaluation.
Timed Assessments
Using a built-in timer, set a limit on the amount of time users have to complete their online exam.
Randomized Answers
Randomize the order of answers for each question to deter potential cheating and improve the integrity of results.
Question Pools
Segment your evaluation questions into multiple sections based on training topic, competency group, or any other parameter.
Image Questions
Engage and challenge users by asking them questions related to diagrams, charts, or images.
Response Feedback
Let users know where they went right or wrong by providing valuable feedback following each response.
Excel Uploader
Upload hundreds of questions in seconds using our easy-to-use Excel template and uploader.
Section Evaluations
Activate the section evaluation feature to ensure students achieve the required passing mark in each section before moving on.